

Privacy Policy

About HaniScort
HaniScort is an online service that allows our members to set up custom advertisments for display in our adult entertainment directory. HaniScort members can view each others’ profiles, communicate with old friends and meet new friends on the service, share photos, post journals and comments, and describe their interests. To enrich our members’ experience, we request and display some personal information to other members and visitors, which allows our users to identify each other and expand their network of friends. HaniScort members can change their profile information at any time and can control how other members and the service communicates with them.

HaniScort cares deeply about online privacy. If you have any questions concerning this privacy policy, please contact us using the contact form

Information Collection and Use by HaniScort.
HaniScort collects user submitted information such as name, email address, and age to authenticate users and to send notifications to those users relating to the HaniScort service. HaniScort also collects other profile data including but not limited to: personal interests, gender, age, education and occupation in order to assist users in finding and communicating with each other.

HaniScort also logs non-personally-identifiable information including IP address, profile information, aggregate user data, and browser type, from users and visitors to the site This data is used to manage the website, track usage and improve the website services. This non-personally-identifiable information may be shared with third-parties to provide more relevant services and advertisements to members. User IP addresses are recorded for security and monitoring purposes.

User Profile information and directory listing information including members’ pictures and usernames are displayed to people in order to facilitate user interaction in the HaniScort community. Email addresses are used for the purposes of inviting new friends to join HaniScort, to add users to members’ friends’ networks, and to send notifications related to the service. With the exception of inviting friends, adding friends, and notifications, a user’s email address is not shared or displayed to people within a user’s personal network. Users within a personal network communicate on HaniScort with each other through the HaniScort service, without disclosing their email addresses. Users’ full names are never revealed to other members.

From time to time, HaniScort or a partner, may sponsor a promotion, sweepstake or contest on HaniScort. Users may be asked to provide personal information including name, email address or home address or to answer questions in order to participate. We may transfer personal information to certain ad partners that you have explicitly requested to receive information from. It will be clear at the point of collection who is collecting the personal information and whose privacy statement will apply.

HaniScort contains links to sites. HaniScort is not responsible for the privacy policies and/or practices on other sites. When linking to another site a user should read the privacy policy stated on that site. Our privacy policy only governs information collected on HaniScort.

Chat Rooms, Journals and WebLogs, Message Boards, Directory Listings and Public Forums
Please be aware that whenever you voluntarily post public information to Journals, Website Blogs, Message Boards, Classifieds or any other Public Forums that that information can be accessed by the public and can in turn be used by those people to send you unsolicited communications.

Correcting/Updating or Removing Information
HaniScort users may modify or remove any of their personal information at any time by logging into their account and accessing account changing features.

HaniScort member accounts are secured by member-created passwords. HaniScort takes precautions to insure that member account information is kept private. We use reasonable measures to protect member information that is stored within our database, and we restrict access to member information to those employees who need access to perform their job functions, such as our customer service personnel and technical staff. Please note that we cannot guarantee the security of member account information. Unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors may compromise the security of member information at any time .For any additional information about the security measures we use on HaniScort, please contact us using the contact form

Third Parties
The website uses YouTube API Services to check for invalid Youtube links (Youtube Terms of Service, Google Privacy Policy).

Contacting the Website
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, please contact us using the contact form.